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By providing a thematic approach to the teaching of map skills, students are able to develop a variety of map skills as well as using maps to explore wider issues in relation to festivals, such as environmental impacts and flooding. Students can engage with maps on a wide range of scales from different sources including Google Earth, Google Maps and Ordnance Survey, developing and building on their map interpretation skills. This module also provides opportunities for decision making, group work and engagement with a variety of relevant, online resources.

The Geography of Glastonbury

In the first lesson of the module, students consider the key terms site and situation in relation to Glastonbury's location by interpreting a variety of maps at different scales. Through these activities students can gain an appreciation of different scales of maps and links between them as well as the appropriate use of key Geographical vocabulary.

Glastonbury tour

The second lesson provides an enquiry-based approach to map skills. As Info-Man, students gain skills in route descriptions, measuring distance, giving directions, interpreting map symbols and understanding relief information by replying to an email enquiry. This helps students to gain a more practical appreciation of the physical and human characteristics of a place as well as developing their map skills using a more contemporary approach.

Explore the global festival scene

Glastonbury is not the only music festival globally. Within lesson three, students are able to gain a global perspective of music festivals by investigating other international music festivals using Google Earth and Google Maps. Students can gain skills in using these up-to-date resources to answer questions about a set of five international music festivals.

Greening Glastonbury

This lesson focuses on the impacts that a large scale event, such as Glastonbury, can have on the environment. Students also consider management measures which can be employed to create a more sustainable use of the environment and how environmental impacts may be reduced. Students use a range of skills; such as online research, map interpretation and decision making to gain understanding of the environmental impacts and sustainable management strategies in relation to a large scale event like Glastonbury.

Mud glorious mud

There has been much publicity regarding flooding at festivals in recent years. Within this lesson, students can interpret photographs and empathise with people caught up in festival flooding. Tasks enable students to investigate and assess the flood risk, at selected festival sites, and produce a flood risk report by utilising the online flood maps and tools of the Environment Agency Website.

Design your own festival

As a finale to the unit, students are able to utilise many of the skills, vocabulary and knowledge gained from previous lessons to design their own festival. Using decision making skills, students can decide on a suitable location for their festival considering site and situation factors as well as flood risk. Working in groups, students can design various aspects of festival organisation including; getting here, going green, what to see and do and flood risk. Activities can be differentiated and there is the opportunity to develop the activities into a project if desired.


File nameFiles

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Mapping Festivals Module Overview


121 KB

Mapping Festivals Module Overview (1)


53 KB

Mapping Festivals Module Plan


215 KB

Mapping Festivals Module Plan (1)


264 KB

Mapping Festivals Module Factsheet


153 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 1 Teachers' Notes


134 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 1 Teachers' Notes (1)


76 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 1 Introduction to Glastonbury


5 MB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 1 Card Sort Activity


143 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 1 Card Sort Activity (1)


156 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 1 Mapwork Key Terms


148 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 1 Mapwork Key Terms (1)


113 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 1 Interpretation Table


56 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 1 Interpretation Table (1)


48 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 1 Glastonbury Map Extracts


991 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 1 Glastonbury Map Extracts (1)


839 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 2 Teachers' Notes


146 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 2 Teachers' Notes (1)


85 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 2 You Are Infoman


154 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 2 You Are Infoman (1)


145 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 2 True or False?


67 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 2 True or False? (1)


139 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 2 Map Extract


1 MB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 2 Map Extract (1)


1 MB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 3 Teachers' Notes


134 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 3 Teachers' Notes (1)


77 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 3 Starter Cards


72 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 3 Starter Cards (1)


137 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 3 Main Activity Instruction Cards


272 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 3 Main Activity Instruction Cards (1)


205 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 3 Google Earth Example


72 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 4 Teachers' Notes


86 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 4 Teachers' Notes (1)


143 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 4 Festival Impacts


498 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 4 Festival Impacts (1)


661 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 4 Scrambled Words


187 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 4 Scrambled Words (1)


116 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 4 Greenest & Cleanest


76 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 4 Greenest & Cleanest (1)


153 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 5 Teachers' Notes


78 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 5 Teachers' Notes (1)


135 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 5 Flood Presentation


472 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 5 Flood


427 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 5 Flood (1)


382 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 5 Flood Alert


2 MB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 5 Flood Alert (1)


1 MB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 6 Teachers' Notes


135 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 6 Teachers' Notes (1)


93 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 6 Choosing Your Site


495 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 6 Choosing Your Site (1)


2 MB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 6 Planning Your Festival


39 KB

Mapping Festivals Lesson 6 Planning Your Festival (1)


99 KB

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