Staying alive
This optional lesson is for students to think about how their lives are regulated by health and safety legislations
Should you choose to include it in your scheme of work it is suggested that it should be set-aside in its entirety for students to share the contents of their Staying Alive diaries. This can be done through a series of formal presentations or more informal sharing of findings and insights working in pairs or small groups.
Key question
How are our lives regulated by health and safety legislation?
How are our lives regulated by health and safety legislation?
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) was originally set up in 1974 as part of the Health and Safety at Work Act. Its job is to protect people from risks to health and safety arising from work activities. The HSE sets out legislation and guidelines for workplaces and beyond. Their website has sections for every possible type of industry.
Many people think that Health and Safety legislation in the UK has gone too far, and the HSE have often been accused of being killjoys. However, many of the rumours that are banded about concerning what the HSE is going to ban next - donkey derbies, egg boxes, step ladders, etc. - are actually unfounded. The HSE website includes a section on Myth of the Month, which makes an entertaining read.
In this lesson, students will reveal the health and safety advice and regulations that they have come across in their daily lives while completing their risk diaries. There is a great opportunity here to discuss the balance between safety, responsibility and fun.