Investigating pollution
To investigate lichen species distribution as bio-indicators of air pollution
To study the impact of quarrying, industrial activity or agricultural activity
To investigate patterns of air and noise pollution around a site (including decay with distance from the source) and to identify high impact areas
To relate levels of air and noise pollution to other data, for example population distribution and quality of life
To conduct studies before and after an event, for example the construction of a new bypass, road widening, traffic calming or a one off event such as a festival or sporting activity
To compare pollution levels in urban and rural areas
To relate pollution data to weather conditions, for example the prevailing wind direction
To examine management strategies for reducing pollution, for example noise reduction barriers, fencing or cuttings
Measuring air-borne particles
Using a rain gauge or bottle
Place a funnel in the top of the rain gauge or bottle with filter paper in it
Leave in pre-determined sites for a set period of time, when rainfall is predicted
Collect following rainfall event and record the volume of water
Remove and dry the contents of the filter paper in a hot oven
Weigh the particulate on sensitive scales and record the mass per given volume of precipitation for each site
Use a microscope to examine the composition of the particulate
Repeat the experiment to obtain averages, adding accuracy to the study
Using sticky tape
Decide on a sampling strategy
Attach pieces of double sided sticky tape around stakes or telegraph poles, lamp posts or trees (above the height of being easily reached) and remove the cover to expose the sticky surface of the tape
Leave for a set period of time before removing the tape and examining under a microscope to compare the particulate build up
To examine changes in particulate build-up over time, several strips can be mounted on card attached to a stake and left out. Each day one strip is uncovered, with the last being removed when the card is collected in (the control). The particulate can then be examined, and different sites compared
Using lichens as bio-indicators
Before the study is undertaken, it is necessary to research lichen species and their habitats to determine which species are likely to be found on different surfaces, and which species are more or less tolerant to pollution
Sites should be chosen which provide good contrast, for example:
An area close to heavy traffic or intensively fertilised farmland or cattle sheds
Areas with little disturbance, for example the edge of woodland, parkland, churchyards
A sampling strategy should be devised which identifies trees to survey
Survey at least three tree trunks of the same species at each site
Survey at least 10 twigs (3-4 cm diameter at the base) from the edge of the canopy (non-shaded). These can be from the same tree or from more than one of the same species
All data should be clearly and accurately recorded
Studying noise pollution
A decibel meter gives accurate and sensitive readings, or alternatively, crude judgements can be made using a written scale (developed or obtained)
Readings can be taken at different times of day, during different levels of activity (during blasting, or rush hour on a busy road), at different sites, and with distance from the source
The data collected can be related to information gathered from questionnaires on resident's perceptions of the noise problem
Considerations and possible limitations
The sampling strategy selected should be carefully considered to ensure viable coverage of the area
Access may be an issue if land is privately owned
Equipment needs to be sensitive, for example scales for measuring particulates, DB meter
The wind strength and direction will have an influence on noise levels and the passage of air borne pollution, and should be taken into consideration
If it is not possible to obtain a decibel meter to record noise levels, judgements of noise can be crude and subjective
Carrying out an Environmental Impact Assessment
Introduction and aims
An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a type of audit, undertaken to systematically identify and analyse the likely impacts of a proposed development or project. Companies and developers must carry out an EIA and produce an Environmental Statement for their proposals.
An EIA can be a useful tool for examining local developments, projects or issues where there are potential ‘conflicts' between different users.
Project ideas
An EIA into a proposed development or project, for example:
A new housing estate
A new supermarket
A new retail, leisure or industrial park
A changing road system
The removal of hedgerows
Mining or quarrying activity
A new amenity or the relocation of an existing amenity, for example a football stadium
Changing conservation practices
An EIA of an existing project or an existing development site.
Digital camera
Field sketching materials
Secondary data on proposed development, project or issue
Prepared environmental impact matrix
Impact checklist
Other record sheets, for example noise pollution
Research and gather secondary data regarding the proposed development, project or issue
Interview key people involved, for example the developer, manager or owner of the site or a member of the local council
Sketch and photograph the site to identify the main features - if possible compare these to historical maps and photographs showing the original condition and use of the site
Develop an impact checklist of all of the possible impacts that the project might have
Develop and complete an impact matrix to visually represent the level of the potential impacts. The matrix should include factors relevant to the development or proposal you are investigating
Conduct questionnaires to assess the views of local residents about the proposal. This can be carried out on a stratified basis to examine opinions by age, gender, race, income group or ethnicity
Research the steps being taken by the development company or local council to address the issues of local residents and reduce the environmental impact of the project
Analyse the potential impacts of the development project in light of the methods to reduce them, and reach conclusions about the levels of impact and disruption likely to be caused. Make proposals for further management
Considerations and possible limitations
Secondary data may be sensitive and therefore hard to obtain. Similarly, it may be difficult to arrange interviews with developers
Stratified questionnaire sampling can be hard to achieve in reality
There is a subjectivity risk with completing the impact matrix. Asking a few different people to complete the matrix and then averaging results may improve the accuracy of the results
A firm focus should be maintained within the investigation - devise a firm, direct question, hypothesis or statement as a title
Judgement surveys and environmental evaluation surveys
Introduction and aims
We naturally form opinions and make judgements about every day issues and situations which surround or affect us. Your investigation will often involve making your own judgements or gaining other people's perceptions and judgements about an issue. This can be the focus of the investigation, or act as supporting evidence, and may involve:
Conducting landscape evaluations to assess the likely impact of something
Assessing people's reactions to and opinions about a certain issue
Examining the degree of opposition to a particular development or project
Conducting residential investigations where different areas of a town or city are contrasted and compared
Examining people's opinions about different management strategies
Investigating the quality of an amenity, for example a community amenity like a park or a tourist amenity like a beach
Investigating the quality and suitability of service provision, for example car parking facilities
Using mental maps to assess people's perceptions of a place
Prepared survey sheets, for example landscape evaluation, adjectival pairs, bi-polar surveys or agreement scales
Base maps of the area
Digital camera and sketching materials
Landscape evaluation and quality surveys
Decide on the criteria for the survey, and the scoring or ranking system you will use. For example, a scoring system of zero to five, where zero = inadequate, one = satisfactory, two = fair, three = good, four = very good and five = excellent. Or, you could have a different scoring system for each set of criteria, with weighting depending on how important you consider the criteria to be. For example, the value of an important factor could be multiplied by 10
Decide on the sampling strategy and identify the sites. Mark these on a base map of the area, and also label any other significant and relevant features
Decide whether you are going to complete the evaluation yourself at each site, or distribute it to different user groups to complete. You may want to compare people's opinions by, for example, age or gender
Bi-polar surveys
Adjectival pairs:
Opposite adjectives are chosen and written down - some should be fact based, for examples historical and modern. Others should be value based, for example ugly and attractive
Different users can be asked to place a cross on a line between the pairs of adjectives, or assign a score for a particular variable
Detailed bi-polar analysis
Build up a good personal knowledge of the area prior to your fieldwork in order to develop relevant and detailed criteria for the survey
The scale for the bi-polar survey should be decided and the record sheets developed
Visit and study each site and allocate scores systematically for each criterion. It helps to share the work amongst a group of people as it saves time and reduces bias
‘Half' scores are possible if it is decided that the score should be between two categories
Notes, photos and sketches can be used to support the judgements given
4. Perception/attitude surveys
Decide on a sampling strategy for your investigation. If you are interested in differences of opinion between people of different ages, genders or ethnicities you may consider using a stratified sampling technique
Develop the questions or statements for the survey - these can be the same or similar to those used for environmental quality surveys and an agreement scale
Different users of the facility could also be presented with a base map of the site and asked to annotate with major land marks or features, positive and negative aspects
Considerations and possible limitations
Using closed questions or categories for the scale will quantify judgements, aiding statistical analysis
It's hard to assign real scientific value to judgement surveys as they are, after all, just people's opinions shaped by experience, age, gender, peer and family views, cultural background and upbringing
Subjectivity is unavoidable, but there are ways of reducing it and therefore increasing validity
Weighting more important criteria by multiplying or dividing the scores given. Scores can also be split, if they do not clearly fall into one category or another
Cover as wide a range of criteria as possible, and give detailed descriptions of each criterion to improve accuracy
Put personal views aside
The scoring system should be carefully thought through and developed; each person carrying out the survey must be fully confident with how it should be applied - carrying out pilot surveys as a group or looking at photographs and scoring them will improve the accuracy of the study
The sites must be representative of the area as a whole, and pilot surveys should be conducted to identify representative sites
When surveying multiple sites it may still be hard to develop a scoring system or set of criteria which are applicable to every site