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Drones are a growing feature of UK skies. In addition to growing recreational drone use by hobbyists, drones are increasingly deployed in a range of civil and commercial applications, from emergency services and infrastructure inspection to the delivery of goods. While associated with a range of benefits and opportunities (such as increasing safety and reducing costs and carbon emissions), so too are drones associated with challenges and risks (including safety and security concerns, and privacy and noise disturbance).

This webpage contains resources and activities on drones and drone use for pupils at Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 5. It also contains invitations and opportunities for schools to take part in the Everyday Drone Stories research project by sharing their pupils’ responses to these activities (project open for submissions until 1 July 2024).

The Everyday Drone Stories research project is a collaboration between Dr Anna Jackman at the University of Reading and the Royal Geographical Society with Institute of British Geographers, and explores how children and young people understand and view drones, and their thoughts on how we might use and live with these technologies in the future. It forms part of Dr Jackman’s wider Diversifying Drone Stories research project (ES/W001977/1) and was also supported by the University of Reading’s Global Development Division RETF fund.

A grey and orange drone flying in the sky, a blurry background of forested hills can be seen
© Ricardo Gomez Angel / Unsplash


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Everyday Drone Stories Teacher information form


483 KB

Everyday Drone Stories Headteacher information form


484 KB

Parent or guardian information letter


480 KB

Parent or guardian consent form


477 KB

KS3 Everyday Drone Stories invitation


542 KB

KS3 pupil information


541 KB

KS3 pupil consent form


479 KB

KS3 What are drones


1 MB

KS3 Categories and restrictions


1 MB

KS3 Activity Drone Map


644 KB

KS5 Everyday Drone Stories invitation


448 KB

KS5 pupil information form


1 MB

KS5 pupil consent form


479 KB

KS5 Getting familiar with drones


795 KB

KS5 Categories and restrictions


1 MB

KS5 Activity - Your Views


484 KB

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Find out more

Dr Anna Jackman talks to Geography Directions... Flying futures: Engaging the views of children and young people on everyday life and futures with drones  

Read this article