A continent of contrasts - Using Google Earth
The aim of this module is to introduce students to the huge variation in geography that exists within the complex continent of Africa
It aims to involve students in the lives of people living in Africa, rather than just looking at the continent from the outside.
Within this module, it is possible to use Google Earth for a range of activities:
Lesson one: Africa - scale and diversity. Show the different continents and focus on different environments within Africa to complement the PowerPoint presentation provided
Lesson two: Dealing with common misconceptions of Africa. Show a virtual journey across Africa and use this as a basis for students to complete a piece of descriptive writing
Lesson three: Conflict in Sudan. Main activity provided: Sudan mapping activity
Lesson five: Ghana - an economic success story. Show Ghana
Use Global Awareness layers to provide information about Fairtrade in Ghana -
Lesson six: Education in Ghana - moving forward. Show Ghana
Use Global Awareness layers to provide information about development in Ghana -
Lesson seven: Africa - looking to the future. Show Kenya using Google Earth and Google Maps
The main Google Earth activity for this module plan fits into Lesson three: Conflict in Sudan. It takes the form of a mapping activity to introduce students to the diverse physical characteristics of the continent and the location of key places and environments. In order to complete this activity, students will need to download the Sudan - overview kml file and accompanying worksheet.
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