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A digital screen showing a room with seated people

The Digital Geographies Research Group (DGRG) have put together the below guidance on 'Digital shorts', a format they have recently been using for their annual symposium.


Digital shorts are videos between 2 and 5 minutes in length on a topic of your choice. The DGRG's Work in Progress series is about using digital shorts to explore topics across the full breadth of research connecting geography with the digital. Your video could discuss: 

  • Recent research findings 

  • An emerging research idea or interest 

  • A new or upcoming research output, publication, creative work etc. 

  • Research methodology  

  • Approaches to teaching 

  • Uses of digital technologies in academia


You can view existing videos here to get a flavour of the wide range of topics and approaches already showcased in the DGRG series. All videos in the series are fully and accurately subtitled. This format has been deliberately designed to require limited preparation, so is ideal for undergraduates, postgraduates, early career researchers, those with caring responsibilities or other work and life commitments.

In the spirit of being inclusive, staying in touch, and trying to support each other, DGRG want to use our channel to promote the fascinating and diverse work being done in digital geographies throughout the academic calendar. They also welcome submissions from researchers outside of Geography and those working beyond academia, seeing this as an opportunity to foster community, research development, membership growth, and international outreach.