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Developing your career

We support geography in professional practice through Chartered accreditation, resources, programmes, knowledge exchange, events, policy consultation responses and briefings. Browse our career resources for professionals, both from the Society and other organisations.

Use geography: careers skills

View our resource on key careers skills and actions for geographers, with links to more of our resources and external sources.

Use geography: careers in charities, advocacy and the third sector

Read our resource on careers in charity work, advocacy and third-sector organisations based on advice from geographers working in the sector.

Use geography: careers in mapping, GI and data science

Read our resource on careers in mapping, GI and data science based on advice from geographers working in the sector.

Use geography: careers in planning and housing

Read our resource on careers in planning and housing based on advice from geographers working in the sector.

Use geography: careers in finance and management consultancy

Read our resource on careers in finance and management consultancy  based on advice from geographers working in the sector.

Use geography: careers in international development

Read our resource on careers in international development based on advice from geographers working in the sector.

Use geography: careers in transport, utilities and infrastructure

Read our resource on careers in transport, utilities and infrastructure based on advice from geographers working in the sectors.

Use geography: careers in research - starting a PhD and further study

Read our resource on starting your career in research with a PhD in geography.

Use geography: careers in teaching and education

Read our resource on careers in teaching and education based on advice from geographers working in the sector

Use geography: careers in environmental consultancy

Read our resource on careers in environmental consultancy based on advice from geographers working in the sector.

#UseGeography - five key tips from our careers webinars

See our five key tips for starting your careers with geography

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