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Chartered Geographer CPD Guidance

Chartered Geographers are committed to long term professional development, but circumstances may change which may impact on CPD for a short or longer period of time. 

If you work part time, CPD requirements can be pro-rated using the 35 hours guideline. For example, if you work 0.6 FTE we would expect 21 hours of CPD to be completed. This approach is intended to be the fairest way of calculating CPD. A minimum of 17.5 hours of CPD would be expected as a baseline for all Chartered Geographers.

There may be times when you are unable to complete the full requirement of CPD, such as planned parental or caring leave or through unexpected long-term absences, for example sickness. Caring responsibility leave may be maternity, paternity, adoption or shared parental leave, or caring for other relatives.  

If you are away from the workplace for these reasons you do not need to complete the expected 35 hours of CPD for the calendar year, but do remember to let us know. We would encourage you to consider your professional development on returning to your role and plan CPD as best you can.

You may wish to review Society's career resources and professional/education materials to access the network of Chartered Geographers, relevant resources and events in-person and online to keep active as a Chartered Geographer.


Gaps in CPD records presented in CGeog applications

Applicants need to demonstrate an ‘ongoing commitment to Continuing Professional Development’. In submitting an application we require three years of evidence of CPD to be submitted. If you have been absent from work in the three years preceding an application, please provide reason for this.

If you work part time then the pro-rated policy to CPD applies. You can also provide CPD preceding the three years prior to your application as evidence too. 


Retired Chartered Geographers

We acknowledge that Chartered Geographers may remain active in a professional context so if you wish to remain an active Chartered Geographer we will review CPD to ascertain if an ‘ongoing commitment’ is demonstrated.


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