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Become a member and discover where geography can take you.

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Gift Membership

Membership of the Society is the perfect gift for anyone who is inspired by our planet and wants to stay informed about its people, places and environments.

Give a gift that inspires, supports and encourages – give your loved one membership of the Society.

Ways to join

Gift Membership is available to purchase for Membership and Student Membership.

Please note online gift purchase is currently not available.

Choose the right category for your gift recipient and complete the gift purchase form below. 


Membership - £176 for one year

Membership is the perfect present for anyone interested in discovering more about the world's people, places and environments.

  • Attend or watch the live stream of our Monday night lectures, and watch recordings of them online.

  • Receive a monthly copy of Geographical magazine as both the print and digital editions.

  • Use the Members' Room and the Foyle Reading Room, our library of maps, books, guides, with access to our historic Collections.

  • Get expert advice on informed travel with our workshops, events and courses.

  • Attend a wide range of talks, exhibitions and events taking place across the UK, meeting local Fellows, members and others with an interest in geography.

Student Membership - £62 for one year

Student Membership is an excellent way to support students (from GCSE to university) in their passion for geography.

  • Digital subscription to Geographical magazine.

  • Access the Society's educational resources – a great revision tool for GCSE and A Level.

  • Attend or watch the live stream of our Monday night lectures, and watch recordings of them online.

  • Access online resources to improve employability and information on possible careers in geography.

  • Free digital access to all our academic journals – perfect for undergraduates. 

  • Attend a wide range of talks, exhibitions and events taking place across the UK, meeting local Fellows, members and others with an interest in geography.

Please download and return an application form.

Download application form (pdf)

Download application form (Word)

Email: download and complete the gift application form, and send via email to

Post: If you prefer to apply by post, simply download and complete the application form, and post it to us with your payment to: Membership Office, RGS-IBG, 1 Kensington Gore, London, SW7 2AR.