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A researcher collecting water temperature measurements at the edge of a river in a baron landscape, with mountains in the background.


Our grants programme develops new knowledge and advances geographical science by supporting geographical research in the UK and overseas.

In 2023, with the generous support of our donors, over £180,000 of funding has been allocated to support 60 field research and school fieldwork projects, from 36 institutions. Projects are taking place in 36 countries spanning six continents. Topics range from investigating the socio-spatial impact of mining waste deposits on urban areas in Chile to reconstructing monsoon dynamics in the Eastern Himalayas from glacial and ecological change. 

See the full list of projects funded in 2023, and find out more about past field research supported through the Society’s grants programme in our grant stories

Grants are available for desk-based research, fieldwork and expeditions, research into teaching and learning, developing teaching resources, and for international conference attendance. For enquiries, please contact