Expeditions database
We hold a unique collection of over 6,000 expedition reports detailing achievements and results of research from almost every country in the world.
Are you planning an expedition?
Our expeditions database is the place to begin. You can search the database of over 10,000 planned and past expeditions recorded since 1965, to see who has been to your area or done similar work before and learn from them. Remember to add your own plans to the database and keep us informed of how they go.
Search the Expeditions Database
How to consult a report
Search the Expeditions Database to identify the reports you wish to see, and email us to set up an appointment.
If for any reason you can't visit us in person, please email us and we may be able to provide you with a copy. Costs are in the region of 10p per page.
Have you lead or taken part in an expedition?
If you have returned from an expedition, please send us your report and if you haven’t already, register the details on our database. Download our Guide to writing expedition reports for advice on writing your report.