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The Society has got a wealth of free and member-only resources that teachers can access to support learning in the classroom. As the people with day-to-day insight into the demands of the everchanging curriculum, we would like to invite secondary-level teachers with curriculum responsibility in geography (head of department/second in department/subject leader/teacher in charge of KS3/4/5 planning) to discuss how you would like to see our resources offer develop in future. We won’t necessarily be able to incorporate every idea we receive though we will certainly do our best to consider everything that is discussed as we plan our resources work. 

The event is free with limited numbers to ensure that it is a focused and interactive session. Sandwiches and refreshments will be provided. If you discover after booking that you cannot attend the workshop, please let us know (contact so we can offer your place to someone else.    

Please enter through the Kensington Gore entrance and aim to arrive between 2.00pm - 2.45pm. If you have to leave earlier than 5:30pm for any reason, do let us know.

Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), 1 Kensington Gore, London, SW7 2AR

Key Information

4 June 2024, 2.30pm-5.30pm
Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)

Non-member £0.00, Member £0.00
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