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Join us on GeoNight to dive into the complex tapestry of Europe’s water landscape. Join experts as they unravel the geographical intricacies of water resources, addressing issues from scarcity to pollution and exploring sustainable management practices for resilient ecosystems.

Meet our speakers

Professor Alison Browne from The University of Manchester focuses on the social, performative and material dynamics of everyday life related to water, sanitation, waste, energy, and the water-energy-food nexus.

Dr Mohammad Shamsudduha from University College London is a geoscientist in the field of hydrogeology with a particular focus on water risks to public health, sustainable development, and climate resilience.

Chaired by Martine Croxall, a presenter with BBC News Channel and a Fellow of the Society.

What is GeoNight? 

  • Beginning in 2017, GeoNight is one night a year where geographical events are organised simultaneously around the world.
  • Its aims are to amplify geographical topics and bridge gaps between academic and public audiences.
  • To find out more and witness a range of events taking place across Europe, visit the website here: GeoNight 2024 events – GeoNight

Venue: Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)

1 Kensington Gore, London, SW7 2AR

Key Information

Open to all
12 April 2024, 7.00pm-8.30pm
Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)

Member £10.00, Non-member £12.00
Member £5.00, Non-member £6.00
Book Now

GeoNight, the European night of geography, is a global initiative that thousands of people take part in worldwide; the events and activities give the general public chance to familiarise themselves with geography and geographical research.