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This year marks the centenary of one of the most celebrated mysteries in the history of mountaineering: could George Mallory and Andrew ‘Sandy’ Irvine have made it to the summit of Everest on 8 June 1924? Last seen by geologist Noel Odell high on the mountain and ‘still going strong for the summit’, they were then enveloped in cloud and never seen again. Mallory’s body was found in 1999 but there were few clues that helped resolve this lasting mystery.

The exact anniversary falls on a Saturday which has allowed us to expand the programme and involve several speakers. The Himalayan Trust are thrilled to have secured a keynote speaker, the acclaimed anthropologist and writer Dr Wade Davis. Wade is preceded by celebrated expedition experts and family members - Leo Houlding, Julie Summers and Graham Hoyland - before they join him on stage for a debate at the end.

Prior to the main event, we are fortunate to be able to host the UK premiere of “Everest Revisited 1924-2024”, produced by The Alpine Club (showing at 1.45 pm) and the Everest24 exhibition will be open in the Pavilion. Please allow enough time to take advantage of these optional extras.

Book online at:

Ticket prices: £35

Phone: 07770 733556


Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), 1 Kensington Gore, London, SW7 2AR

Key Information

Open to all
8 June 2024, 3.00pm-6.30pm
Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)
