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Find a work experience opportunity

Willis Towers Watson

Includes a range of internships in the UK and worldwide.

Welsh Government

The Welsh Government offers work experience placements to individuals of school age for periods up to five days.

UK Space Agency/Satellite Applications Catapult

The Space Placements in INdustry (SPIN) scheme provides placement opportunities for those considering employment in the space sector.


Work experience placements are available throughout the year at various locations.

The Access Project

Volunteer tutoring to support disadvantaged students.

London Wildlife Trust

Very short description of work involved (copy to Metadata)

Turing Institute

The Turing Internship Network is a national engagement scheme between business partners and doctoral students across the UK who are studying any topic with a data science and/or AI focus.

Mayor's Fund for London

The Mayor’s Fund for London is offering up to 25-part time paid internships from October 2022 that will last for 6 months. 

Field Studies Council

Higher Education Student Placements for university students and work experience opportunities for school students

Institute for Global Prosperity - BAME Research Internships

IGP are offering two paid training opportunities for BAME postgraduate students

Science and Technology Facilities Council

Daresbury Laboratory, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and UK Astronomy Technology Centre work experience placements.

Nuffield Research Placements

Placements relating to an area of science, quantitative social science, computing, technology, engineering or maths.