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An international scientific meeting, sponsored jointly by the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), British Society for Geomorphology (BSG) and Wiley.

Extreme storms and floods are increasing in frequency and intensity across much of the globe. 

Geomorphology – the science of the study of landforms - has much to contribute to help understand, measure, predict and manage the landscape and human effects of extreme events. 

Evidence from geomorphology benefits catchment and flood risk managers, coastal erosion specialists, habitat creation experts and strategic planners, informing national flood and erosion risk strategies as well as water framework directive and habitats directive implementation. 

World leading researchers presented global state-of-the-art understanding on how geomorphology science can help us better predict, measure and manage the effects of extreme events. 


Speakers included:

  • Professor Jacky Croke, University of Queensland, Australia

  • Professor Steve Darby, University of Southampton, UK

  • Professor Mikkel Fruergaard, Copenhagen University, Denmark

  • Professor Stuart Lane, Université de Lausanne

  • Professor Mark Macklin, Aberystwyth University, Wales, UK

  • Professor Frank Magilligan, Dartmouth College, USA

  • Dr. Richard Whitehouse, HR Wallingford, UK 

About the Environment & Society Forum series

This event was delivered as part of the Environment & Society Forum series, which address major policy challenges by bringing geographers into dialogue with stakeholders in business, government and research.


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How to cite

Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) (2019). Storm geomorphology: geomorphic contributions in an age of extreme Available at: Last accessed on: <date>