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A Level results published this morning, Thursday 18 August 2022, by the Joint Council for Qualifications show a 6.2% increase in the number of students sitting the examinations in geography.

37,443 students in England, Wales and Northern Ireland sat A Level geography this year (35,268 in 2021), an increase of 6.2%, meaning geography is again one of the 10 most popular A Level subjects.

Commenting, the Society’s Director, Professor Joe Smith, said:

“The Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) congratulates all the students receiving their A Level geography results today, especially as this year’s cohort are the first since 2019 to sit exams, and submit a non-exam assessment (NEA) as part of their course, due to the COVID-19 pandemic

“The results are a testament to the students’ hard work and the support they received from their geography teachers, and have built on 2021’s sizable rise in numbers of 16.8%. We are pleased to see this uplift and encourage these students to continue their studies at undergraduate degree level.

“In our post-pandemic world, the interconnected nature of social, economic, and environmental systems at the local, national and global scales have been thrown into sharp focus. Coupled alongside recent political upheaval in the UK are important issues such as the scarcity of water and extreme weather events due to climate change, the geopolitical impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the ensuing energy crisis, as well as the collective impact of global food security and inequalities.

“Addressing these issues requires up-to-date knowledge about the world’s people, places and environments – which studying geography can provide. Having a solid understanding of geography is one way to equip young people to make sense of, and contribute positively to, these challenging times.

“In addition, any students considering their next steps today should remember that undergraduate geography courses have some of the best student feedback in the National Student Satisfaction surveys. And geographers are sought after employees with above average graduate employment and salary prospects. In short, it is a subject that is not only relevant to the real world, but also one you are more likely to enjoy studying before securing a well-paid job”



Notes to editor

  • For further media enquiries please contact the Society’s Press Officer, Lucy Preston, on +44 (0)77 1478 3126 or  

  • The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) is the learned society and professional body for geography. Formed in 1830, our Royal Charter of 1859 is for 'the advancement of geographical science'. Today, we deliver this objective through developing, supporting and promoting geographical research, expeditions and fieldwork, education, public engagement, and geography input to policy. We aim to foster an understanding and informed enjoyment of our world. We hold the world's largest private geographical collection and provide public access to it. We have a thriving Fellowship and membership and offer the professional accreditation 'Chartered Geographer’.